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In the Black: Third Sheffield Compilation

Audio Clip #7

“Last week our golden gods left us. No more ceremonies, no more dancing, no more singing. Morale has wavered but not broken. For most of us at least. Actually, it feels like a haze has been lifted… as if the weeks of chanting with and praising those fluorescent beings were a dream. Gamma Draconis looms larger and larger on our horizon, metaphorically speaking. We are all focused on the advent of starting a new life there. Of honouring our past lives as well. Of honouring Dave. How could I have forgotten him so easily before…”

*Captain Sheffield does not speak for a few seconds and audibly wrings her hands.

“A haze… a dream.”

*here there is a knock on the cabin door, and Captain Sheffield speaks briefly with a crewmate. Audio is muffled and inaudible. Captain Sheffield returns to the recording after 1 minute and 15 seconds.

“That was Jorge. He’s worried about Liz. She has not been doing so well since our golden gods left us. Where the others have begun focusing on building our new lives and choosing genetically… ideal… partners, so that we can begin a strong colony on our new home, Liz has regressed. She has locked herself in her crew quarters and is even more inconsolable than when we first mysteriously appeared in the Gamma Draconis system.

“Jorge is my partner now, and Liz’s. Mike paired with Lin and Olivia. Jorge has been checking in on Liz, trying to build a rapport I suppose. She does not even respond to him anymore. She just taps on the bulkhead and door over and over, with very minimal rest.

“Jorge believes she is imitating the rhythm of our old fluorescent friends… I don’t know how he can be so sure. I can hardly remember it now that the haze, the fog has lifted.”

*a loud tapping sound begins as Captain Sheffield speaks the word ‘fluorescent’ and continues from here onwards until the end of the audio clip. Captain Sheffield is presumably alone in her cabin and therefore is the source of this tapping; however, she does not seem aware of it. She continues speaking 23 seconds later, changing to a happier tone.

“I always wanted to have children with Dave. I dreamt of them, their names, their faces, their first words and knee scrapes. Lost dreams of a happier time.”

*tapping continues in a rhythm similar to that in Audio Clip #6.

“I suppose children with Jorge in our new planet will have to do. There is an excitement in this as well. We will be pioneers of a new generation of humanity.”


Audio Clip #8

*audio clip begins with Captain Sheffield sobbing. She begins to speak through her tears.

“Liz blew the airlock door open a few hours ago… the one she opened before, before when she wanted to let them in. She exposed herself to the void, to the black. She made her way there during our sleep cycle. Only Mike was awake, and he… he didn’t make it either. He was too close when she did it.

“Without cycling the airlock, she overrode the controls and blew the door. The Soothsayer is a smart, quick ship, otherwise we would all be dead like Liz and Mike. Automatic sealing of the cargo bay and machine shop surrounding the airlock saved my life. The others are broken up, I don’t know how we can keep it together. We lost a lot of oxygen when those compartments were evacuated, and Jorge will have to set up an emergency airlock bubble to salvage what we can from there… and to bring Mike and Liz in. The Soothsayer closed the outer airlock door automatically as well, an automatic function to conserve air. Now Mike and Liz have been laid to rest in an airless coffin, weighed down under the pressure of the ship’s thrust gravity, and trapped, like the rest of us, a million lifetimes from home.”

*a loud beep sounds 7 seconds after Captain Sheffield stops speaking. Jorge Reynolds’ voice can be heard from her terminal.

“Cap you have to see this. Sending feed from the cargo bay.”

*Video Clip #2: 15 seconds of video data attached to Audio Clip #8 from Captain Sheffield of the Soothsayer. Video is of the cargo bay; red klaxon lights are flashing but there is no audio (presumably because the compartment is in vacuum). Elizabeth Stone is standing over the body of Mike Drmic, and staring into the camera. She is not wearing a space or environmental suit. Her chest is moving in and out as if she is breathing; her feet are visibly tapping. At the 12 second mark her head leans subtly towards her right shoulder, but the eye contact with the camera lens is never lost.

*Jorge Reynolds speaks again before the audio clip ends. “Cap… what the [redacted]. I’ve checked the oxygen levels in there eight times. She’s breathing void.”

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