When I was in graduate school, I met the first man from Little Arcadia. I will never forget those obsidian eyes and the deep terror that awoke within me. Little did I know at the time that this interaction would become one of the most defining moments of my young life, one that would sculpt my future. In those days Little Arcadia was not filled with Lightkeepers like it is today. It was a rough, isolated manufacturing hub in the outer layers of the void city, very different from how it looks now. The man I met, Theseus, was the first of his people to habituate what is now unequivocally a Lightkeeper neighbourhood and stronghold. When they were brought in from Arcadia system, the Lightkeepers, or Arcadians as they would refer to themselves as, were kept in a long quarantine in close orbit with Terra Duomo ; monitored for unknown pathogens they could have carried with them, and to confirm their immune systems would be able to handle the much wider bubble of humanity waiting to meet th...
A Universe of Short Stories Awaits