The Book of Origin
In the beginning the Creator made the upper and the lower. Within the upper the Creator made all the peoples of Eloi and they lived in harmony for eons. The lower was land and sea and all the creatures of Eloi were created in the lower by the Creator. The peoples of Eloi could travel to the lower to enjoy the fullness of the Creator’s glory and in enjoying this fullness the Creator received joy and was glorified. There was a harmony among the people, the upper and the lower that the Creator made. The dance of life was harmony, love, balance. The creations were great and all were sanctified in the Creator’s love. The great balance existed for millennia, through cycle after cycle. The peoples had not perception of time or death or non-life. They existed in harmony with all things created.
The peoples included many different groups. Those that were blue, green, red and yellow. All the peoples shared in powers but some unique peoples were specialized as the Creator wanted them to be. The Blues were blue in skin and had great physical strength. All the other peoples watched as they ran, swam, jumped, danced. They were a spectacle to the peoples. They were an entertainment of sorts. The Blues were as gentle as they were strong.
The Greens were more the intellectuals and story tellers. All the peoples admired the great intellect of the Greens. They seemed to be able to explain anything that was asked of them.
The Reds were the artists. The created great works of music, sculpture and drawings. They created the pictures which brought life to the stories of the Greens. They created the pictures that recorded the great physical achievements of the Blues.
Finally, the Yellows were the organizers. They could make order out of any confusion. They created the final balance across all the peoples.
There was great balance and harmony among the peoples.
The Creator, in search of companionship gave to the peoples of the upper great powers. The went beyond their capabilities. They had powers over the upper and the lower. Willing things to be and they were. These powers were a creation and entity. This great power arose as the Eli. The Eli opened the eyes of the peoples and they were introduced to time, lusts, and their differences. The harmony was broken. The peoples favoured their own kind and fought to take power from the other peoples. The Blues being the strongest physically killed many of the Greens. But without the strength of the Yellows, they could not maintain order.
The Creator having seen the strife banished all the peoples to the lower and the upper was lost to them all. The Creator's vision to have all separate peoples but truly together one harmonized being was lost. The Creator abandoned the peoples for generations. The Eli took great hold over the peoples and Eloi was lost to the Creator.
Before abandoning them the Creator promised the peoples that one day all would be changed and all would be brought back to harmony. The promise was not understood and eventually forgotten...
These dark ages on Eloi lasted for many cycles. One great leader from the Yellows was born and she brought the promise of harmony. Many believed that Savanah would bring back the harmony of the Creator. Some that did remember the promise saw her as the savior. She was born among the Yellows. In a great battle with the Greens she was captured as a young girl and grew to organize the salves kept by the Greens. A great slave owner of the Greens promoted her to run his home and soon Savanah became respected amongst all the Greens and all the slaves. She was given power and created great order in the Green society. Many from the other peoples came to live in Green cities. The Greens soon became the dominant of the peoples under the leadership of Savanah. She taught all the peoples that prejudices would cast them back into strife and they followed. Her words were like those of the Creator. She became the promise that was sought and soon all the peoples began to cherish her as they did the Creator before her. The promised harmony was returning.
Even with the harmony there was a strict law not to intermingle the peoples. Genetic purity was the strictest of mantras. Those that crossed this unforgivable boundary were quickly put to death by burning. Savanah received the laws from the Eli. The Seven Mandates were clearly observed and repeated…
1. The Creator was no more.
2. No one was to speak of the Creator other than to repeat this first and second mandate and in the reading of the Origin story. No other mention of the Creator was allowed. Punishment of burning if there was such a transgression.
3. The Eli were the greatest of the celestial beings. There are no other celestial beings. They are the only ones to be feared and worshiped.
4. The Eli forbade intermingling of the peoples. Purity of the peoples of Eloi was of the greatest of the boundaries that could not be crossed. Those that did and their offspring would be burned as an offering to the Eli.
5. Greatness and harmony would be achieved through strict obedience. A leader would be chosen by the Eli. All would follow that leader. The leader would be the voice of the Eli and all would follow the words and commandments of the leader. The punishment was burning.
6. Battles between the peoples would be allowed only until a leader was chosen by the Eli. The battles, strife and struggle would project forward a new leader every generation. That leader was the chosen of the Eli.
7. When the leader was chosen all would fall under the people from where the leader came. Their laws and observances would govern all the peoples. Savanah, owned by the Greens, made the Greens the first of the leading peoples.
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