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Noah Junland

Noah’s Journal thoughts 1011 cycles from origin. Origin is believed to have occurred in cycle 24,444. 

Over 1000 cycles ago our ancestors were brought here to Juna.   The legends tell of a great wind that took beings from the Eloi to Juna.  They were taken from all over Eloi from everywhere.  It seemed that the wind went across all continents picking up passengers and dropping them on this distant Juna.   The ancestor’s planet, Eloi, had many continents filled with all types of beings and four distinct races.   When the wind ceased there were over 150,000 beings on Juna.   Unique peoples form Eloi lived separate lives but on Juna there was no possibility segregate, so the ancestors worked together.  Now it is customary to see scrubs start out with the blue and to come into their adult life with the green and many different combinations.  I am a healthy mixture of all four of the peoples of Eloi.  My dear wife insisted that I start to keep a journal as I am nearing the my next journey in life.


Journal entry Cycle 25456  Rotation 02.99


Some days things just make sense.  I don't know why but they just do.  I wish I could bottle moods or rotations like this and take them out when I need them the most.  So far, today was a good rotation.  Maybe smiling and taking things with a grain of salt is what did it? Maybe it was just that little extra hug from my little scrub before walking out the door?  Maybe it was The Eternal looking down on me?  I can't say why or how, but I am just happy that these rotations come.  It’s still early, so who knows the feeling may be short lived.  Whatever happens later or in the next rotation doesn't matter, right now, this moment things make sense.  


My senses are heightened, my mind is sharper.  I see the peculiar and oddities more clearly.  I question everyone and see everything from a different angle.  My senses are open to new things.  I am one step ahead! It is a good feeling.  I used to feel like this more often when I was actively training for long missions.  Is it age that has dulled me?  Maybe I have just been beaten down too much over the cycles?  But training for missions was a different type of euphoria.  That physical exhaustion created a separation of mind and body.  This was a natural high.  Whatever, it is doesn't matter, this rotation is a good day! 


Journal Entry Cycle 25457 Rotation 02.30

Another morning and I have to drag my self to work.  I wish I could just stay home with the scrubs and play all day.  Deep thoughts surrounded my slumber through the darkness of rotation….

We are just a raindrop in the ocean, a grain of sand in the desert.  Looking at the immensity of the universe we should be humbled and yet we are so full of ourselves.  Do we actually think we are so important on our own abilities?  I was born a true mixture of blue, green, yellow and red.  I have the traits of all the races.  The old teachings would have me burnt a as an offering to the Eli.  On Juna, we are all mixed there are no longer any pure races.  Maybe the Eternal wanted to keep us separate to see how much we should rely on each other? How small we truly are in the vastness of he universe. 


Too much time thinking and contemplating.  I have to run to my station…


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