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Humans of Terra Duomo

Terra Duomo is home to 100 million of humanity’s brightest and bravest, making a mark in the black and supporting expansion out into unknown systems. Everyone is familiar with the obvious successes of Terra Duomo. Self-sustainability from solar power and hydroponic gardens and farms. Scientists and researchers discovering all the mysteries of the Solarsphere. Disciplined gunslingers exploring and policing the void of all habitable systems, Earth’s and beyond. A true monument of the space age. Void city constantly moving and administering throughout Earth system.

In this series we will uncover the unsung heroes of Terra Duomo, stories of the ice-haulers, exobotanists, entertainers and mechanics. Regular spacemen and women who support humanity’s expansion as much as the explorers and gunslingers. Send in your stories to be featured on Humans of Terra Duomo. Whether it is a stroll through the inner levels of the void city, a trip out to some rock in the belt, or a creative way to cook lab-grown potatoes, this is the feed for you to share your unique experiences and personal journeys. Join us as we meet the humans of Terra Duomo!

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Popular Solarsphere Adventures

Tectonia #1 – Facade of Form

Sombrero Galaxy , 31.1 million light-years from Earth System #1129 In orbit of planet SG#1129/2, “ Tectonia ” Approximately 146.6 million kilometres from the nearest Solarsphere   Life keeps moving, if you cannot adapt you will get trapped in the past . Captain Baxter rested his hand on the bulkhead, his heavy heart juxtaposed with the lack of gravity. The looming mission had caused him many nights of deep anxiety, but he trusted his science team to the end. He read the mission log from the Gunslinger’s Society for the 300 th time: “Jake, planet SG#1129/2 is an enigma. We received a mysterious radio signal from there, to our first probes in the system. Nothing else has come through since and we have been unable to collect any data on the planet. Figure out why our probes have pulled no data from it… If there are undocumented alien species, document them, interrogate them, and kill them if necessary. I want a full report, and do not return to the Terra Duomo until the missi

Last Reveries

Just keep going Kip. Be strong for him. Be the thrusters fine-tuning his path. The journey out from Terra Duomo had been tiresome for Kip Grove. That is not entirely true, not just the journey. The months leading up to the journey had been even more tiresome, saving all the credit, scrounging parts to upgrade Marengo and her companion pod Fair Winds . But it started well before that too, with the years of decline and debate. Dad always provided. Long solo hauls out in the black for months on end mining in the belt, for Ma and me. This is what is best for him, so he can finally be at peace. Kip waited until Terra Duomo did a pass by Venus to disembark. Venus ’ solar orbit is nearly circular, meaning Terra Duomo would be at its’ closest point to the sun whenever they arrived. The scientific stations on Mercury are not home to many people, and do not require the administrative support and extensive re-supply that Terra Duomo provides throughout Earth system. “Short trips and la

James Kumar O'Perry by Kiara

  H istory      October 3 3030      Hello my name is James Kumar O’Perry. I was made on October 3 3014. I live on the planet Grusama. Our planet was founded by Polars Anders the 1000 in 2020 . I am 16 years old. I am a robot; I’m not very harmful though. Before I get into the details about me let me tell you about our history. On August 25 2020  Polars Anders the 1000 was made the first ever man to make 500 functioning robots in under 5 hours. So Nasa asked him to go on the next space mission with Clob and Roug. He said yes. Little did Polars know the ship would crash on Grusama. Polars was sad that he would never see his family again. So then he decided to make a civilization of robots. He brought extra metal and a duplicator with him. So he used those materials to make 2,000,000 robots. It took him 20 years. Soon after, there was an attack from a nearby space station. After that Polars upgraded the robots codes like never before. The robots could now talk, fight and reason. Soo